The Color–Flavor Transformation of induced QCD
The color–flavor transformation is applied to the U(Nc) lattice gauge model, in which the gauge theory is induced by a heavy chiral scalar field sitting on lattice sites. The flavor degrees of freedom can encompass several ‘generations’ of the auxiliary field, and for each generation, remaining indices are associated with the elementary plaquettes touching the lattice site. The effective, color-flavor transformed theory is expressed in terms of gauge singlet matrix fields carried by lattice links. The effective action is analyzed for a hypercubic lattice in arbitrary dimension. The saddle points equations of the model in the large-Nc limit are discussed. PACS numbers: 11.15.Ha, 11.15.Pg, 11.15.Tk, 12.38.Lg, 12.90.+b
منابع مشابه
The Color–Flavor Transformation of induced QCD
The color–flavor transformation is applied to the U(Nc) lattice gauge model, in which the gauge theory is induced by a heavy chiral scalar field sitting on lattice sites. The flavor degrees of freedom can encompass several ‘generations’ of the auxiliary field, and for each generation, remaining indices are associated with the elementary plaquettes touching the lattice site. The effective, color...
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